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Hsinchu County Archive of Cultural Affairs Bureau

Hsinchu County Archive of Cultural Affairs Bureau
The preparatory office of Hsinchu County Archive of Cultural Affairs Bureau was established in 2000, in order to preserve related documents from after the administrative separation of Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City, book collections from the Shinchiku Prefecture Library (Japanese colonial era), as well as other historical resources that may have been lost. The preparatory office applied strenuously for funding from the Hakka Affairs Council to construct the Institute, and it had the full support of the Hsinchu County Government. After extended efforts on all sides, construction finally began in 2005, and the Institute was officially opened on 31 August 2008.

The main functions of the Hsinchu County Archive of Cultural Affairs Bureau are to collect and archive official and folk historical resources. The architectural concept was based on a "Hakka walled-village" and "Chinese quadrangles design". The building is divided into 6 main sections: literature and reading room, archives center, exhibition space, research and restoration, administration and management, and services. The Hsinchu County Archive of Cultural Affairs Bureau contains many valuable historical documents and artifacts. We are currently promoting gradual archive digitalization to minimize the damage and deterioration of books from long-term usage. Digital archives provide readers and researchers with viewing and searching, which facilitates the promotion of knowledge, and also promotes the development of Hsinchu Studies.

The "Records of Hsinchu County Taiwan Province" (published in 1975, spans from 1600s to 1951) and "Shinchiku Prefecture News" (published during the Japanese colonial era) are two important literary resources for the study of Hsinchu's history, and belong to the special collection of the Institute of Hsinchu County History. However, the current collections held in the Institute are limited, and the paper is fragile and not suitable for use and handling by the public. Therefore, the Institute's historical resource digitalization phase 1 (2008) would first be aimed at the digital archiving of the "Records of Hsinchu County Taiwan Province" and "Shinchiku Prefecture News". Furthermore, the digital archive system will be used to promote the digitalization of all major collections and artifacts currently archived in the Institute and establish the basic structure of the Institute of Hsinchu County History digital archive for future resource collection and utilization.



圖書館主要閱覽區館舍為一地上三層、地下一層之獨立建築,總樓地板面積約為 4372 平方公尺,館內局部區域採天光設計,可解決內部深處的採光,並行成空氣對流,有利書籍典藏及讀者閱覽,空間規劃上設置有書庫、期刊區、兒童室、視聽區、參考區、資訊檢索區、辦公室等,現有館藏約十四萬冊,並以「建築藝術」 、「客家」相關資料及本縣地方文獻為典藏特色。



總樓地板面積 4,010平方公尺。 本館的建築特色在於以不同層次形狀之屋面改變一般RC建築的呆滯規則外型,塑造出優美的天空線,入口區設計為閩南風味的曲折,迴廊及庭院景觀,與展示館本身之功能相互搭配,可兼做戶外展示區,全棟結構採用剪力牆設計,因此內部空間看不到一根柱子,展覽空 間更能自由發揮。

展覽室共有七間,位於一樓及地下室,為滿足展覽項目的多變繁雜,由不同面積、形式及採光方式組合,有完全採人工照明、自然照明與人工照明相互配合之展覽空間,可作為繪晝、書法、國畫、攝影 、雕塑、陶藝、文物及科技產品的全方位展覽場所。

二樓有三間研習室及一間文藝之家,供從事藝術、民俗技藝的教導推廣,讓藝術欣賞者能實地的從事創作活動,文藝之家則做為藝文人士聚會交流之場所。空間配置上另外騰出一個戶外開放空間與一樓 之庭院相互搭配做為研習休息談心場所。三樓為大型會議廳。

Performance Hall

Performance Hall
總樓地板面積 8,072 平方公尺。 外型顯示表演藝術的外顯性與開放性,圓弧型的外觀及斜屋頂的使用,塑造傳統建築意象。 表演空間共分為演藝廳、演奏廳及實驗劇場三個室內場館及文化廣場(大型戶外表演場所)。

有1051 個座位(包含12個無障礙席),供大型表演使用,以舞台表演為主要設計的重點,利用圓弧型的安排將觀眾拉近表演者。 超大舞台 (16M 寬 15.3M 深加上 3.1M 深的台唇 ) 及大型的昇降舞臺的設計,配合表演需要舞台型式可為鏡框式或開放式舞台。並有雙側側舞台的設計,以適應多功能需求及表演空間之靈活運用和布景道具的備放準備。

本演藝廳兼具戲劇院及音樂廳之功能,因為兩者間殘響時間要求不同,如何在兩者不同需求中取得平衡,因此側牆選用可調式音效板來克服,是國內首創, 也是為本演藝廳獨特之處。觀眾席上方天花板設置許多的音效反射体,讓音源平 均漫射至每一個座位上,再搭配著兩排外露式弧型燈光貓道, 上面佈滿了場燈及 投射燈, 表現出後現代的空間美感。

Concert Hall

Concert Hall
位於演藝廳地下室,有 161席及3席無障礙席,共164席。天花板及牆壁都經過精心之音效環境設計,108年10月完成整建工程,經過專業聲響規劃,轉型成適合小型室內樂演出的專業音樂場館。另有投影機、220 吋電動銀幕,可搭配音樂講座使用。

Performance Square

Performance Square

Experimental Theater

Experimental Theater
位於演藝廳地下室,寬度 15.3M 深度 15.8M ,黑色的洋松木地板、上方設有 54 盞的聚光燈、及音響設備等,專供特殊表演使用或排演練舞使用。
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